"Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go,
be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and
one chance to do all the things you want to do"

A Moment in Time....
Blok dh makin sunyi..tp aku still x blk lg…bkn saje xnk blk tp ntah la..lepak dlu la..sbnrnye rse berat gak nk tglkn ukm ni...lps ni klu blk kompom ssh lak nk dtg cni..bkn aku je yg tgl..ade lg mmbe2 len yg x blk…smlm ppr aku yg t’akhir di ukm n buat mse ni x bcadang pn nk smbung lg…hehe..
Rse kejap lak kt cni..sblm ppr last kmarin mmg x sabar gler nk tgu 1 ppr 2 pn…sdr x sdr da shari dh xm abes..huhu…spnjang di ukm ni mcm2 p’kara yg aku dpt, mcm2 bnde baru yg aku blaja n sume 2 la yg buat aku jd smakin mtg..matang ke??haha
Wk2 1st msuk cni dlu nk kata aku ni jnis pendiam 2 x jgk tp x brapa brani sgt nk bcakap klu dpn org rmai...klu dpn org ramai ntah ape2 yg aku merapu aku pn x tau..mmg abes 1 bdn menggeletar nk abeskn sepatah ayat pn..haha!!mmg x konfiden lgsg nk bcakap time 2...
Pstu aku mula join dlm organisasi2 yg ade kt klj n wt xtvt2 dlm ukm ni...mmg dtg cni tujuan nk blajar pn..sume org pn tahu..tp mnde lain x smstinye kite wt x tahu je...Bile dh join program2 yg ade 2 la konfiden 2 dgn sndirinye die dtg sdikit demi sdikit..aku x kisah la dpt ckit2 pn yg pnting aku puas n ade something yg aku rse bguna bile aku dh kuar nti...
Kt ukm ni jugak la aku jmpe mcm2 jenis org n mcm2 jnis perangai n glagat ade...stiap org 2 dgn die pnye karakter msg2..aku x kisah sume 2 jnji x ganggu ketenteraman awam aku sudey...kdg2 2 bile kite tgk org 2 pelik perangai die kite xleh trs nk nilai die ikut suke ati kite je..x smstinye org yg pelik 2 perangai die truk..slagi kite x btol2 kenal x payahlah nk nilai2 org..yg pnting kite tgk diri kite sndiri dlu sblm tgk org laen...
Mmbe2 aku kt klj rmai gak yg aku knl...mse dok asrama dlu leh kate hmpir 1 asrama 2 aku knl... mmg meriah gler time 2..ade je xtvt yg leh wt klu bosan 2...mmg x pnh sunyi la org kate..tp wk2 fnl yr lak aku kne pndh ke flatlet sbb asrama laki diorg nk upgrade cket..so, bermulalah idup br di flatlet..kdg2 2 ade gak rse mcm kt penjara...msing2 dgn hal msing2..klu mmbe 1 blok 2 bley gagah la rpt ngn diorg sbb hari2 jmpe..klu blok len??...haruslah jrg pegi n kdg2 2 smpai x tahu blk diorg kt mne..
Yg td psl mmbe kt klj...klu kt fak lak aku mula2 rpt ngn dak2 laki modul aku je n mmbe2 skolah lme..dak2 pmpuan bknnye x knl lgsg tp jrg tgur sbb blum btol2 knl..bile dh fnl yr br kami sume makin rpt...yg x pnh bcakap pn da smakin advance..siap bley bahan org laen lg..hehe..modul kite mmg modul plg best n x mnyesal aku pilih modul p’bndingan ni n dpt kwn yg baek2 mcm korg sume...aku rse mcm br skejap je mula rpt ngn korg sume n tibe2 je da nk bpisah...lps ni sume dgn hala tuju masing2..p’jalanan msih jauh n ape2 pn aku harap kite sume bjaye x kira dlm ape jua bdg pkrjaan yg kite ceburi..last skali aku harap smoga psahabatan kite sntiasa bterusan n x tputus mcm 2 je...Aminn...
It’s Good to Be Alive
Last night’s star-filled sky sang me fast to sleep
This morning’s warm sun graced my windowpane
Awakening me with its hypnotic laughter
Looking in the bathroom mirror this morning I thought
It’s good to be alive
Things don’t always go our way
At times they totally run amok
Defying our sense of justice
Showing us how vulnerable we really are
It’s good to be alive
At times, we delude ourselves
A good life is about getting our way
Having things as we want them
Stirring my morning coffee, I thought
It’s good to be alive
Have you noticed how spring sunlight
Completely transforms the needles on a white pine
And how the sky and clouds peeking through the forest
Appear like blurry blue and white diamonds
It’s good to be alive
Sometimes we gravitate too much
In the direction of our dreams
Failing to appreciate the beauty, magic of life
Just as it presents itself
Truly, it’s good to be alive
-by diannone-